Information Systems Ltd.
Korinthou 1A, Box 117
2671 Ag. Trimithias Nicosia, Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 44 67 65
Fax: +357 22 31 65 71
offices are located in Cyprus in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Our
office hours are 09:00 to 17:00 (GMT+2) Mondays through Fridays excluding
local public holidays.
Emails are normally responded to within one business day. If you send
us an email and don't get a reply, please try again or give us a call.
The most likely reason for no reply is that we haven't received your

Maybe you need some help with controlling your keyboard, or scripting?
Try Virtual Keyboard Design. A site devoted to the discussion of designing virtual keyboards and helping MountFocus Keyboard users with our software.